Are you in debt and looking for support?
One in ten adults in Germany is over-indebted. That's almost 7 million over-indebted people. Debt is very stressful for many people and the daily financial pressure often prevents them from thinking clearly. Yet only ten per cent of over-indebted people go to a social debt counselling centre.
There are over 1,400 debt counselling and insolvency advice centres in Germany. The Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Schuldnerberatung e.V. (BAG-SB) represents the interests of the counselling practice as a professional association. Together with welfare organisations and consumer advice centres, we work in the BAG-SB for social debt counselling that enables long-term ways out of debt.
With this page, we want to help over-indebted consumers to find their way to a counselling centre and to prepare and accompany the counselling process. Our aim is to inform all interested parties about the central topics of debt and insolvency counselling and to offer practical help. We have worked together with many stakeholders on this joint project: the Federal Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection is funding the site. Many debt counsellors, charities and consumer protection organisations have contributed articles. Many people seeking advice have helped us to select the topics. And the site will continue to grow. If you have any suggestions, questions or ideas for topics, please send us a message.